I have been a member of the SNS LinkedIn longer than any of the other SNS. Come to think about it, I believe I have been participating in LinkedIn for more than 10 years. Until recently, I have done relatively little with my profile, or with the site in general. What I prefer about about LinkedIn is the professional demeanor of those on the site. Here, I am able to connect with people who belong to a variety of professions and share a multitude of interests.
What LinkedIn has taught me, is that the value of being in a community is priceless. It is a community that is worth taking the time to be a part of. There are several reasons behind this thought, but predominately, it is a way to quickly stay connected to what is going on in communities that matter the most to me. What I love about LinkedIn is that typically people connect with others that share the same or very similar interests. I can search for groups that will talk to me and I can talk and share information that might be viewed by another as important. It is a place I can go to learn and skill build. I can read articles posted by leaders at the top of their industry; the same day that they are posted. For me, having access to these resources are invaluable.
In addition, LinkedIn is a great place to go to network with professionals that may be interested in hiring you, or, as a quick and easy way to learn if the market in your particular industry is strong or weak. Are employers in your industry hiring? Is there a decrease in recruitment in your field? What does this mean for you; for your salary? LinkedIn is a fantastic resource to use for market analysis and to ensure you are at the top of your game by staying connected to others in the same profession.
As I continue to explore and learn the ropes of LinkedIn, I hope you will join me and become a part of a community that is worth being a part of.
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