Saturday, February 23, 2013

LinkedIn and Log on

LinkedIn was another social media site I knew of but had no thought to join prior to this class. As I started looking at connections it dawned on me that this site could come in so very handy when I look to move across companies and careers. I’ve talked with several acquaintances and friends about working for Disney. The response is almost always the same from any of them. It’s all about networking; getting to know someone on the inside that can help you get that first contact and interview. I’m working hard on my end to get the paperwork and knowledge I need to qualify for the work but I have little to no way to make connections in Florida, until now. I’m working through the site to build a better profile and resume.  If Twitter is being used for interviews then LinkedIn will be just as vital to the job hunt.
I prefer the LinkedIn mobile app for most of what I do because it is visually cleaner. The top of the page on the full website always asks me if I want to find contacts through my email. I’ve done this twice and can’t get the dialog box to go away.  This really made the site feel cluttered. I can’t view the articles they post from the mobile app so I do visit the site to read them from time to time. I think I’ll use the site more as I get closer to graduation and my big move.
I did enjoy posting the poll but wanted better information about who took part in it. Were they company partners? Male or female? How often did they visit the stores? I really felt that the poll could be a great tool to gather information but it didn’t give a very strong picture of the demographic I was reaching. I do like that the site warns users not to add someone they don’t know well. I also liked that you could endorse one of your contact’s experiences and job skills. I’ve learned a large number of things in my time at Starbucks that are difficult to express quickly on paper. The site gives me a string of keywords I can use for this and also promotes me during a search.
This article from The Huffington Post is an interview with Josh Turner, who has started his own business using LinkedIn to create marketing campaigns. I would be happy to take his class on LinkedIn provided it was at a reasonable cost. LinkedIn is a underutilized tool for many of its users. Some of it is a lack of time where some of it is a lack of knowledge on the site’s uses. As Josh states “I would never say LinkedIn is the best thing since sliced bread and all you need to do. You need to do what's right for you, and it's not the same for everybody else.” (Huffington Post)  If LinkedIn will get you the contacts you need to help your career then you really should make the time and log on. If face to face work will do it, get out there. Take an assessment of what your goals are then look for the tools you need. Finding a million tools doesn’t help when you don’t know what the job is.


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