Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Reanna Okazaki@RoCoM465

    I think I have previously mentioned that I am studying communications and the degree is with emphasis in Social Media.  Ironically, I didn't start out on the path towards social media.  I actually started out with hope to obtain a degree with emphasis in strategic media.  Then...after my first quarter, the direction of the program switched and I found myself asking why would anyone want to major in social media?  The question now is: what happens when you introduce a communications student to Twitter for the first time?  In my case, it was like indulging in my favorite snack...addicting!  I could also compare it to immersing myself in front of my favorite television show...eventually finding that I've spent hours and didn't even realize it.  Yep, I am now an official Twitter fan and have spread my wings (pun intended) this week to try yet another adventure.  I now ask...Why was I so opposed to joining Twitter?  Could it have been fear of the unknown, or  venturing down another potentially scary and overwhelming path of exposing myself to complete strangers? Or is it because it adds to the collection of yet another tool that I have to try and maintain?  If I answer honestly, it is because of all of the above.  But what I learned from Twitter this week is far more rewarding and I now wish I had been brave enough to try it sooner.

    Twitter is a great resource to get a small amount of information out to a group rapidly.  What I love about this is that it potentially could be easier to keep attention on your product longer if used properly.  As an example, by creating a creative heading for your Tweet, instantaneously you can capture the interested demographic and lead them to your website where they will find information they were looking for.  This is very fascinating to me because as a consumer, I am much more likely to "Follow" a product that I am already interested in and a lot less likely to expereince saturation because I have chosen to follow the product.

    What I really loved learning about Twitter is how easy it is to share vital information.  Using Twitter to reach potential patients, in this case, sharing really is caring.  I can use it in my company to quickly pass along information pertaining to health conditions that ultimately could end up saving a life.  For example, if I could convince one person to get screened for cancer, then I feel that I saved a life!  Maybe they will tell someone else to get screened by retweeting the Tweet.  

The anxiety I have about Twitter is that the Library of Congress catalogs all Tweets.  I always try to use good judgment and post things that I won't regret later.  The fact that information is completely accessible by anyone at anytime and can be used against you at any time is somewhat unnerving.  But for now, I will keep studying Twitter and will hopefully become more comfortable posting.  I feel like I am all of a sudden on stage and everyone is watching....I feel very exposed and it's a tad uncomfortable; something I'm not used to!  All of these things aside, I really have enjoyed my Twitter experience and can't wait to learn and do more with it. 


1 comment:

  1. I did not realize tweets were immortalized! I will be sure to behave. Although the kissing squirrel was too cute to resist!


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