Thursday, March 21, 2013

Social Media What are the Concerns in the Business World?

In recent years the phenomenon known as social media has taken off. No longer is communication on facebook, twitter, Linkedin, or a number of other social networks considered to be a passing fad.

Today these methods of communication have influenced the business is done. Communication seems to be moving at faster and faster rates of speed. Messages are sent in real time and responses to messages are also expected in real time. 

With communication happening at near speed of light paces there are risk. In business the quick response isn't always a well thought out response. If a company has employees who are charged with the responsibility of communicating, and responding to communication from the public on social media, it would be highly advisable that those employees were well trained.

A company who uses facebook and twitter can reach many new prospects. Reaching them is the starting point, and the company would do well to remember that social media can be an excellent tool provided it is used correctly. A few missteps however can have devastating results for company image and the bottom line.

With the public suspicion of corporate motives usually isn't far behind when they feel a company isn't on the level. Companies need to have integrity. If they do a significant amount of interaction with customers, suppliers, and sponsors on-line it is even more important.

If a company responds electronically to a customer concern and the customer perceives the company as been unduly dismissive, the customer might forward it to a news outlet, or friends. If this grows legs so to speak it can be a nightmare for the company to clean up.

So, how can a company avoid the nightmare? Through comprehensive training. A well trained team is far less likely to have mishaps that are painful for the company. When mistakes do happen a company would be well advised to deal with the problem openly because this inspires confidence.

Jeff Arnold

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeff,

    You mentioned integrity. This is critical in any online business encounter. Companies do share information, and depending on the size of the network, a single, negative review can greatly impact future business of the company.

    Ensuring transparency and integrity are key in maintaining strong business relations. Excellent training, as you mentioned, is also key in the success of any online relationship through any social medium.


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